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Season 4 Episode 08 - Crusader

Xena and Gabrielle meet a woman called Najara when her army attacks them. In the middle of the fight Najara suddenly stops attacking them and apologises because she was fighting the wrong people. As a sign of good nature Najara invites Xena and Gabrielle to join her and her army in stopping an attack that a group on slave traders are about to make in an innocent village, Gabrielle and Xena agree to go with her. As they get to know her Xena and Gabrielle start to really like her, Najara is very peaceful and helps a lot of people. But she does have a strange side because a group of higher powers called the Jinn talk to Najara and tell her what to do and where to go, Najara is the only person who can here them. When Gabrielle finds out that Najara is going to open a hospice that everyone can use for free Gabrielle decides to join her and follows what Najara calls "The Light". Xena is still troubled about the vision of her and Gabrielle being crucified from "Adventures in the Sin Trade" and decides to leave Gabrielle with Najara. But Xena soon finds out that Najara is not what she seems to be and kills lots of people if they don't convert to "The Light" she goes back for Gabrielle but Najara doesn't let her have her without a fight. Xena and Najara have a great battle and Najara wins and takes Gabrielle with her. Xena catches up with them though and gets Gabrielle back and captures Najara then takes her to prison.


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