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Season 1 Episode 12 - Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts

In the besieged city of Troy, Helen has visions of being overrun by the Greeks and sends a trusted courtier out to find Xena and ask her to come and help. Xena and Gabrielle find the courtier being attacked by soldiers and try to rescue him, but his injuries are too great and he dies. Before he dies however he does manage to deliver his message and Xena and Gabrielle head to Troy. Defeating a number of Greek soldiers, they are welcomed to the city by Gabrielle's former fiancee who is a captain of the city guards. Things start to go wrong and Xena is arrested by the guards under the control of Paris and is thrown into a cell.

Then mysteriously the Greeks give up and give the Trojans a gift, but they don't know that in it it has about 10 Greek soldiers who all come out after the Trojan celebration, when they are drunk, and let the rest of the Greek army in. Xena in the mean time got out of the cell and gets Gabrielle and Helen to safety. The she understands what has been going on and stops the war.


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