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Terminator 3: The Redemption

Terminator 3: The Redemption

Type : FirstPerson Shooter           Date: 04 September 2004

In the year 2032 a squad of Tech-Com soldiers stormed a Skynet facility in order to stop a T-X from entering a time displacement machine. However, they are no match for the T-X's superior capabilities and all are gruesomely killed.

Meanwhile, Katherine Brewster and the Human Resistance ambush the T-850 that was responsible for the death of John Connor. A Tech-Com technician reprograms the cyborg to be sent back to 2003 to protect Kate and John's earlier selves. The T-850, with the assistance of several Tech-com soldiers manages to fight his way to the main gate of the Skynet bunker and he enters the time displacement machine.

In the past, the T-850 rescues John and Kate from the T-X, and informs them that Judgment Day is to begin within the next few hours. He plans to acquire a plane from a nearby military base, and fly the pair to Crystal Peak, a bunker that will ensure their survival during the nuclear blasts. As they arrive at the base, the T-X reappears, and hits the T-850 into a prototype time machine: he is sent back into the future.

The Terminator once again fights his way through Skynet and sends himself back to 2003. He appears just in time to fight off the T-X while John and Kate escape to Crystal Peak. At the bunker, the T-850 prevents the T-X from reaching John and Kate by blocking her route to them. He places his damaged fuel cell in her mouth, resulting in a large explosion that seemingly destroys both terminators.

Following Judgment Day, John removes the CPU from the heavily damaged T-850's metal skull, deactivating it. The story then shifts further into the war, where John is leading the Resistance. He uses the CPU to reactivate the Terminator, who is revealed to have been rebuilt as an extensively modified Hunter Killer. The Terminator then stomps out into battle, aiding John Connor once again, as the game closes with the final caption: The battle has just begun...


Playstation 2