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Max Guevera


Season 1, Episode 19 - Meow

Logan needs a microchip for the exoskeleton, but it'll take at least 12 weeks if Sebastian orders it from his contact in Singapore. Unfortunately, Logan wants the exoskeleton up and walking around (with him) in time for his 1 year anniversary of meeting Max, which is two days away. Sebastian suggests that he ask Max to steal an identical microchip from a local nuclear plant. So what if the exoskeleton is a surprise? Logan doesn't have to tell Max the truth about the microchip.

Logan takes this advice and makes up a story about why he needs the chip. Max agrees. Logan then reminds her of their anniversary and invites her to dinner. She could use a little celebrating - Tinga being returned to Manticore has done little for her mood. She just heard from Zack that Tinga wasn't taken back to Manticore. He's still trying to find out where they're holding her.

Back at her crib, Max hears something outside her window. She looks down to see Lydecker's guys speeding onto the scene. Dropping down to the alley, she takes them on in a stunning display of catlike prowess. Snagging a gun from one soldier, she orders him to take his clothes off and get onto a bed, which has magically appeared in the alley. The soldier nervously complies, and as Max starts to kiss him, he transforms into Logan. Max, back in her own bed, bolts upright. Oh, no -- she's in heat again. Max confides in Original Cindy about her condition, asking Cindy to punch her if she starts to venture toward her darker side.

Back at Manticore, Lydecker confronts Madame X about not notifying him of an Executive Committee meeting. Madame X didn't include him because she was doing her best to keep the Committee from asking for a full procedural review on Lydecker for losing Tinga.

Instinct tells Lydecker there's more to this than meets the eye. He queries Brin about what happened. Why did she try to capture Tinga's little boy when he made a deal to secure Tinga in exchange for the child? Brin maintains that the scope of the mission was changed during the briefing. She assumed Lydecker was in the loop since it was Sandoval who gave the briefing.

Later, Lydecker takes a meeting with Zakes Kani, the South African behind the neural implant technology of the Reds. Kani makes an offer - he'll bring in Max in exchange for genetic data. Kani reveals that Max has one of their implants in her head. Lydecker agrees to the exchange, but will only turn over data from early Manticore prototypes.

Max, still plagued by her fiery condition, heads out with Logan to get the microchip from the nuclear plant. She makes it into the plant and gets the chip, but getting out proves more difficult. Dodging bullets, she takes a dive into a cooling pool surrounding the reactor. At least that helps cool her down...

Lydecker, determined to get to the bottom of what's going on, plants a bug inside Sandoval's pen. He listens in as Sandoval and Madame X discuss his turning over classified info to the South Africans. Madame X insists that it's time for them to "contain" Lydecker for the good of Manticore. She hands Sandoval an I.D. photograph of Lydecker for the killer drone - Sandoval knows what to do. So does Lydecker.

Just in time for the anniversary celebration, Logan gets the exoskeleton up and walking. Unfortunately, Max's feline DNA has her too hot to handle the invitation, and she cancels. In an attempt to cool off, she speeds off on her bike. Lucky for her, she leaves Sector Five just as Zakes Kani runs a scan for her in that area. Unlucky for her, she runs into a guy she met a few days ago and without Original Cindy around to put the smack down, Max gives into her urge - and he gets real "lucky."

Meanwhile, Sandoval notifies Madame X: He's arranged the hoverdrone hit on Lydecker. When he's done with this dirty-work, X wants him out at Kani's tracking van. She's anxious to bring Max in. As Madame X drives away from the silo, we see Zack watching her.

Lydecker meets with Sandoval and the killer hoverdrone flies in on cue, but instead of wasting Lydecker - it takes out Sandoval. Lydecker exchanged his I.D. picture with Sandoval's.

Max confides in Original Cindy about her one-night-stand. Instead of offering a shoulder to cry on, Original Cindy tells Max it's high-time she copped to being in love with Logan. Later, Max surprises Logan with a visit… and the truth about her estrus cycles. When she breaks down and tells him about her "fling", he gets up (with the aid of the exoskeleton) to comfort her. Both finally give into their feelings and kiss, the fever between them way beyond anything mere feline DNA could produce. Their perfect and long awaited moment is broken by Zack, who shows up with news of Tinga's whereabouts.

As Zack and Max head out to the silo, Zakes Kani locates Max on his tracking system. Lydecker has a convoy on her tail in a matter of seconds.

Max and Zack make it to the silo, then split up. Max goes in while Zack stays outside. Lydecker's men are swarming the area by the time Max gets to the tank room. Logan warns her over the radio to get out; Max doesn't hear anything but her heart breaking as she stares in horrified disbelief at Tinga, dead, in the tank. Max hurls a chair through the glass and pulls Tinga's body free. As the soldiers flood into the room, followed by Lydecker, Max cradles her dead sister in her arms.


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