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Max Guevera


Season 1, Episode 12 - The Kidz Are Aiight

Original Cindy's encounter with the Reds gets her evicted from her apartment, so Max invites her to move into her crib. Meanwhile, thanks to Logan's newly recovered mobility, Max and Logan's relationship appears to be moving in a new direction. Despite both Max and Logan's protestations, Bling and Original Cindy know that they could be heading towards the intimacy they've denied each other for the past several months.

In the midst of the idyllic romance between Max and Logan, however, lies intense pain... for Zack. He's been at Manticore for months now, enduring Lydecker's relentless torture. Eventually, Zack's body succumbs to the torture and he dies. But his death is hardly permanent; it turns out that the doctor who had been administering the torturous treatments has had a change of heart and has helped Zack escape by faking his death. In his efforts to help Zack out of Manticore, however, the doctor is shot and killed. Having nowhere to turn, Zack puts in a desperate call to Max, interrupting a quiet moment between Max and Logan.

Max leaves Logan behind and comes to Zack's rescue. He's so damaged by the months at Manticore that he has trouble remembering anything... including Max's identity. Max helps him remember the other X5s, prompting him to reveal details about Zane, Krit, Syl and Tinga. They soon realize, however, that Lydecker is listening to their conversation. The Manticore doctor was not helping Zack to escape, but setting him up, bugging him in hopes that he would reveal to another X5 the information he just spilled to Max; Manticore now knows everything they need to track down another handful of X5s.

Max and Zack race to Logan's with the news, and Logan puts out an Eyes Only message to the imperiled X5s. Zane, Krit and Syl receive the message and go underground before Lydecker can get to them, but Tinga is not so lucky. Zack and Max rush to Portland to help their sister escape, and the three genetically engineered super-soldiers handily defeat Lydecker's men.

Zack and Tinga hot-wire a car and burn rubber out of Portland, leaving Max to go back to Seattle and Logan. But when Max returns, she finds Logan strangely cold. Max is confused by Logan's distance, not realizing that his legs have started giving out on him again.

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